Ancient Stronghold of Belm

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This volume will take you through the lowest parts of an infamous astral keep, once the seat of the First Lich Belm, who brought the Universe to the brink of tyrannical undeath. Within, you will find the dreadful undead that yet live within its halls, the magical artifacts that accumulated in its vaults through the centuries, and, as you fight your way out, unravel a mysterious conspiracy of the keep's new overlords...

Ancient Stronghold of Belm contains digital illustrations by Matias Lazaro, such as the ones found in the Bestiary!



Page count




Release date

February 2025

Ancient Stronghold of Belm
Ancient Stronghold of Belm
Ancient Stronghold of Belm
Ancient Stronghold of Belm
Ancient Stronghold of Belm
Ancient Stronghold of Belm