The Court of the Afterlife

Nephilim, Devils, and Constructs debate and argue over the souls of Mortalkind in this small look at the Court of the Afterlife. Unearth the corruption that plagues the great system of death and rebirth and discover the dark angels, fiendish conspirators, and unknowable elementals that populate the Court!

The Court of the Afterlife is a small 30-page booklet filled with devils, constructs, celestials, elementals, and even undead, with a few quests sprinkled in and a whole lot of lore about the Universe of Strings. Short and filled with content from top to bottom, the Court of the Afterlife is part of our three July 2024 releases, along with Troves of Bastet and Cousins of Dragonkind.

Note: Your purchase of this document includes the latest version of Ariadne's SRD. The SRD contains 90+ pages of our best content, some of which is used in this sourcebook. 

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