Codex Entries

The many sourcebooks set within the Universe of Strings!

Ariadne's SRD

Our very own, constantly updating, System Reference Document! These pages contain what we believe to be the best of the best from all our entries, and all you need to know to conduct an adventure within our Universe of Strings! We have carefully curated the many creatures, player options, and expanded rules from our 1000+ pages of content into this compact 100-page document.

This sourcebook contains unique content in the form of a detailled appendix dedicated to our lore and cosmology!

The SRD updates previous content from all our entries! If you find the same stat sheet on both a Core XII sourcebook and the SRD, for example, the latter is the most up to date with our balancing and play-testing. 

The SRD is available only on our Patreon, for all paid members. It is updated at the start of each month! It is also included on any purchase of a multipack! We recommend you keep up with it on our Patreon.

Become a $2 patreon and get the latest version! 

Ariadne's Guide to

Legendary Characters

Part I

Our very own sourcebook on characters beyond level 20! We've been working a while on a system of play for Legendary Characters... and this is the result! 

Our first issue focuses on Spellcasters. Discover 6 brand new levels for the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard, along with 15+ tenth level spells to create effects that could rival the Dead Gods!

Our next issue will come in September 2024, and will focus on Martial and Half-Casters. Our vision for this sourcebook is a 100+ page manual that details how to run, play, and have fun with characters and creatures beyond 20th level!

Ariadne's Guide to Legendary Characters - Part I is part of our three August sourcebooks, along with Splinters of Death and Gallaway's Guide to Celestials & Seraphims.

Splinters of Death

Undeath has always been a terrible sort of fate. To be stagnated, unable to move on, a tortured soul doomed to a wretched existence... And yet, there are those who seek it. Necromancy has a tendency to attract a very particular type of character. Ambitious. Foolish. Reckless. These wizards, in Ages past, brought strife and chaos to the world. Today, the consequences of their actions still haunt our graveyards. The Splinters must be recovered, if we are ever to restore the Domain of Death. 

Will you be the one to bring balance to the restless?

Splinters of Death is a small 30-page booklet filled with undead and necromancy, with a whole lot of lore about the Universe of Strings. Our very own glossary of all things undead, Splinters of Death is part of our three August 2024 releases, along with Gallaway's Guide to Celestials & Seraphims and Ariadne's Guide to Legendary Characters - Part I.

The Court of the Afterlife

Nephilim, Devils, and Constructs debate and argue over the souls of Mortalkind in this small look at the Court of the Afterlife. Unearth the corruption that plagues the great system of death and rebirth and discover the dark angels, fiendish conspirators, and unknowable elementals that populate the Court!

The Court of the Afterlife is a small 30-page booklet filled with devils, constructs, celestials, elementals, and even undead, with a few quests sprinkled in and a whole lot of lore about the Universe of Strings. Short and filled with content from top to bottom, the Court of the Afterlife is part of our three July 2024 releases, along with Troves of Bastet and Cousins of Dragonkind. 

Yrith Garas Presents:

Cousins of Dragonkind

Learn about the many offshoots of dragonkind in this study  by the Threadmaster of Explorations himself, including a large draconic bestiary, coupled with thematic items, spells, and lore to add to your fantasy world!

Cousins of Dragonkind is a small 30-page booklet filled with dragons of CR 1 up to 30. Short and filled with content from top to bottom, Cousins of Dragonkind is part of our three July 2024 releases, along with Troves of Bastet and the Court of the Afterlife. 

We all know our dear Threadmaster Garas... he never knows when to stop! More dragons coming soon...

Threadmaster Entries

The secrets of the vault, revealed to all!

Gallaway's Guide to

Celestials & Seraphims

Unearth the secrets of the angelic denizens of Aaru and Celestia! Fight alongside the mighty Starblades, discover the isolationist Celesari, and visit the resting place of heroes of old in the Field of Reeds!

Gallaway's Guide to Celestials & Seraphims is a 30+ page entry filled with monsters, lore, items, and our second homebrew class: the Starblade! Be sure to check out our Patreon for updates and balancing on the class, as it gets playtested by our community and we develop it further.

This sourcebook is part of our three August 2024 releases, along with Ariadne's Guide to Legendary Characters - Part I and Splinters of Death.

Troves of Bastet

Chapter I

 Discover the ancient artifacts left behind by Lady Luck in this legendary treasure hunt! Follow the trail of the cat-goddess across the universe and unearth the secrets of the Meratar themselves!

The Troves of Bastet contains a bunch of items of all rarities, five unique stat blocks, and a complete dungeon, ready to use and with modular difficulty! It is quite a treat, for a Threadmaster entry, almost double the length of our previous works; 50+ pages!

This entry delves into the Tomb of Sekhmet and is part of our three July 2024 releases, along with Cousins of Dragonkind and the Court of the Afterlife.

Future expansions will bring additional chapters to this epic adventure!

Myriel Genra's

Deck of Many Fates

Shuffle your Tarot cards and discover the 12 subclasses of the Deck of Many Fates! Travel alongside Myriel Genra, the mysterious Threadseeker of Divinity, as you unveil the secrets of the Major Arcana, and change your destiny!

This Threadmaster Entry contains 35+ pages of content, including 12 different subclasses inspired by the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot! From the College of Fools Bard to the School of the World Wizard, every card has its secrets... Draw from the Deck and rewrite Fate itself!

 This is our June 2024 Threadmaster entry, featuring Myriel Genra and their mysterious player options.

A future expansion will bring to life all Tarot cards as subclasses, finishing the Major Arcana deck. Stay up to date on our Patreon!

Garas' Journal of

Exceptional Creatures

Discover the most powerful, strange, and incredible creatures the multiverse has to offer in this journal depicting the travels of Yrith Garas, Threadmaster of Discovery and Exploration. 

Read the entries on the four earthly monsters encountered by the Silver Dragon in his adventures and unveil the secrets behind the War of Eternity!

This sourcebook is our Threadmaster entry for the month of March 2024, and contains 30 pages of content, depicting lore, details, and game statblocks of the most exceptional creatures the material plane has to offer!

A future expansion will focus on the creatures of the Outer Planes! Garas is not done with his catalog...



Pantry of the Multiverse

Delve into the world of magical meals and culinary mastery with Azar Khan, head-chef of the City of Strings! Peruse the many delights this booklet has to offer and learn to cook from the greatest minds in the multiverse!

This sourcebook is our Threadmaster Entry for the month of February 2024, and contains 20 pages of content, from magical dishes to several stat sheets for your chef NPCs. 

Pantry of the Multiverse II is the continuation to this sourcebook, our Threadmaster entry for the month of May 2024, with another 30+ pages of content! In the future, when the third installment of this sourcebook is released, an entire 90+ page Pantry of the Multiverse entry will be available for purchase!

Free Release Library

A compilation of our free documents from all across our entries!